Support for the distribution of consumer goods

Venera d.o.o, Kolba d.o.o.
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support for the distribution of consumer goods


Postgre SQL



Retail Management System

Retail Management System is a flexible product that fully supports processes within a retail company.




ERP - Comprehensive solution for managing all business processes and resources within a company



Venera d.o.o. I Kolba d.o.o. are the leading distributors of high quality consumer goods in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The distributive range of the company includes brands of world renowned manufacturers: Kraft Foods Int and Perfetti Van Melle. The extensive knowledge of the market, the long-standing cooperation with the renowned world leaders, and the great presence in the whole BiH market, have ensured the market dominance of the brands they represent. Through a developed sales network and built relationships with over 9,000 retail outlets, customers provide efficient access to the market and their customers. They constantly align their experience and know-how with new trends in the market. By focusing brand management, maintaining relationships with key customers, improving the sales of individual brands, and developing new distribution channels, the Group ensures steady growth in turnover and market share. The main goal of the project is to implement an information system that enables companies to efficiently conduct business and support for tracking market trends.


The realization of the project consisted of parallel activities on realization of the central system for sales network management, introduction of systems for support to commercialists in the field and support to all other business processes within the Integrated Information System. As the leading distributor in BiH, Venera and Kolba is of the utmost importance to shorten the process from ordering goods to delivery, using asw: PDA solutions to support commercial operators in the field and integrating with central ERP system asw: dominus and secured. By implementing the ASW system, companies fully control and manage relationships with their wholesale customers, which ensures constant growth and development.

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